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Summer Newsletter

Summer Newsletter

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We made the most of the nice weather with a visit from the ice cream van.

ice cream

We sat outside, enjoyed the sun, each other’s company and a 99! We have enjoyed a plethora of enjoyable activities in the last few weeks. A big highlight was a superb concert courtesy of LIVE MUSIC NOW. Two very talented musicians; Lara Dodds-Eden (pianist) and Mae Heydorn (mezzo soprano) wowed us with their captivating programme of pieces by Schubert and Handel, and arias from Bizet’s Carmen. We also welcomed Amanda to Dalemead for the first time. She hosted a sing a long which featured many old favourites including “maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner”, “Daisy Bell (Bicycle built for two”) and “Down at the old Bull and Bush”. Amanda had the residents and staff singing, dancing and generally having a fun afternoon. We had a very enjoyable afternoon decorating ceramic plates. We think you’ll agree – the results were very impressive!

We have lots to look forward to in the coming months. We will hope for good weather so that we can enjoy our lovely garden at the B.B.Q (including musical entertainment from Simon and Beth) and our annual cream tea. The cream tea this year will be on Saturday 6th July. Please see posters around the home for more details and R.S.V.P to the office. This is always a fabulous occasion when everyone can enjoy a delicious afternoon tea whilst socialising with the other residents, friends and family of Dalemead. We hope the sun comes out so that we can make the most of our well placed location. At just 5 minutes’ walk from the river residents welcome the opportunity to take a trip to feed the ducks and enjoy the summer sun.


Regardless of the weather for Wimbledon we will enjoy pimms and strawberries and cream during the tournament.

In addition to these social occasions we look forward to all of our regular activities; poetry afternoon, visits from our P.A.T dog (“Foo”)and her owner; Roz, Patrick’s piano recital, music and movement, art and craft, reminiscence workshop, church services, florist workshops, dance displays and entertainment afternoons.

goldfishThe latest addition to Dalemead has been a tank full of beautiful tropical fish. We have enjoyed watching the fish exploring their new surroundings. This has proved to be a very relaxing past time!

Mayor Visit to Dalemead London

Recently we were honoured to welcome Councillor Rita Palmer, the Mayor of the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames and her Consort, Adrian Palmer to Dalemead. We shared a wonderful afternoon with them. The Connaught Opera provided the entertainment and, as always dazzled us with an excellent show! The residents, staff and visitors were so pleased to talk with the Mayor and her consort after the musical programme.

b1525c03851c6df9afa1dffe7f89ce60We’ve had a busy few weeks…We have enjoyed all of the usual activities (music and movement, poetry afternoons, art and craft sessions, resident’s meetings, quizzes, visits from our “Pets as therapy” dog, the fortnightly church service and a variety of games). We had our first florist workshop with visiting florists who assisted us in creating beautiful floral displays. Phillippa from Richmond museum brought us some fascinating objects to look at and discuss during our monthly reminiscence afternoon. We have had some wonderful musical activities; Patrick provided us with a fantastic recital of our favourite tunes on the piano and we were enchanted by a visit from Roweena and Adam, very talented musicians who played their violins for us during a fabulous concert. Another highpoint was our annual Easter bonnet competition. As always the standard was very high and a good time was had by all! Janice and Eric performing as “Jerico” gave us a super afternoon with their dance displays. Many residents joined them on the dance floor.
Easter Bonnet
At Dalemead we consider it to be very important to provide a person centred, varied programme of activities taking into account the hobbies and interests of our residents. Our main aims are to have fun, to keep learning and be involved and interested in life.

We have lots pencilled in to our social calendar for the coming months…
• Matt Bond will be here to sing songs from the 1920’s – 1960’s for us at 3pm on 10th April.
• We look forward to welcoming Patrick back for a piano recital at 3pm on 11th April.
• Music and movement every Monday afternoon at 1.30pm. The trained teacher provides us with an hour of exercise which is both enjoyable and an opportunity to continue to be physically active.
• Art and craft Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings.
• Church services planned for the next few months will take place at 5.30pm on 21st April, 5th May and 2nd June.
• Reminiscence workshop with Phillippa from Richmond museum date to be arranged – see posters on Activities boards to discuss the topic of travel. At the end of each session the residents decide as a group which topic they would like to discuss in our next session. It is an interesting way for the residents to remember and celebrate the past and further their already extensive knowledge.

Dalemead Home London
Richard Atkins, an Elvis tribute artist wowed the residents, staff and visitors during a two hour set of classic Elvis songs. The afternoon was thoroughly entertaining and we will definitely be hoping that he will be back in the building again very soon!